Animals 25 What animal was revered by the ancient Egyptians? Dog Lion Cow Cat 4Who gave John F. Kennedy a dog named Pushinka? Mao Tse-Tung Jackie Kennedy Nikita Khrushchev Marshall Tito 3What was the name of the only albino dolphin known to exist? Snowball Snow White Snowflake Snowbird 1What is a rhinoceros's horn made of? Bone Hair Ivory None of the above 2What is the term for the hybrid offspring of a lion and tiger? Liger Tigon Lionger None of the above 1Who was "World's Wonder Horse"? Gene Autry's Champion Roy Roger's Trigger Man-O-War Silky Sullivan 1What was the name of Buster Brown's bulldog? Tiger Jiggs Max Tige 4Who was the first sentry dog sent overseas during WWII? Bruno Chips Max Digby 2What was the name of Tonto'shorse? Geronimo Fury Warrior Scout 4How many cubs did Frazier, the 19 year old lion, sire in less than 2 years ? 25 30 35 40 3What was the name of the "Our Game" dog? Pete Spot Tramp Shep 1What is the Annual Award to animal performers in movies? Pappy Annie Patsy Patty 3What was the parrot's name that taught Dr. Doolittle totalk with animals ? Polly Polynesia Anastasia Pollyanna 2What is a young Kangaroo called? Baby Whelp Joey Wallaby 3What is a group of geese called? Gaggle Horde Field Host 1What is a young Codfish called? Fingerling Minnow Leveret Codling 4What was the name of Hitler's dog? Blondi Fritz Bruno Wilhelm 1What was the name of Cinderella's dog? Max Bruno Laddie Brutus 2What was the name of "Willard's" pet rat? Ken Sam Jim Ben 4What was the name of Dale Evan's horse? Buttercup Cupcake Buttermilk Sweetpea 3What is the longest recordedlife for a dog? 23 years 25 years 27 years 29 years 3What is a group of crows called? Flock Covey Murder Flight 3What is a group of ducks called? Gaggle Brace Field Flock 2What horse was called "Big Red"? Seattle Slew Seabiscuit Man-O-War Citation 3